Data Analysis Report

Prepared By: Zahiruddin Zahidanishah

Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video and Disney+

A collection of movies found on these streaming platforms


The dataset is an amalgamation of:

  1. data that was scraped, which comprised a comprehensive list of movies available on various streaming platforms
  2. IMDb dataset
  3. </ol>

    Data visualization of the above can be found on:!/vizhome/Moviesavailableonstreamingplatforms/Moviesavailableonstreamingapplications


The dataset was download from the Kaggle dataset website;

Total Movies Based on Year Released

Total Movies Runtime

Based on the above graphs shows that movies released in year 2017 recorded the highest total runtime ie 125.822k min.

IMDB Ratings

Based on the above graphs shows that in general all movies streaming in Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video and Disney+ have IMDB ratings between 4 to 8.

Rottens Tomatoes Ratings

Movies Runtime

Based on the above graphs shows that Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video and Disney+ have most movies with 90 min. runtime.

Movies Age Ratings