Zahiruddin Zahidanishah

Engineer/Data Visualization

This website showcase data analysis and visualisation projects using open source programming such as Python, Pandas, Plotly, Jupyter Notebook and Streamlit. For the main dashboard pages please click here.

Should you required assistance on the codes for the charts and tables, please feels free to contact me through my Email accordingly.

For more details on the author knowledges and experiences, please click on the resume.

Covid19 Updates Reports

Daily updates on the status of Covid19 pandemic especially in Malaysia and selected countries around the world.

The web application for Malaysia Covid91 Cases dashboard can be view here.

Electricity Usage Reports

Reports and analysis on electricity usage and consumption for a typical resident house.

The web application for the electricity dashboard can be view here.

Water Usage Reports

Reports and analysis on water usage and consumption for a typical resident house.

The web application for the water usage dashboard can be view here.